414 Justice. Light has Weight.

414 Justice front print t-shirt. Back print Light has Weight. Your experiences have weight. Your voice has weight. Your truth has weight. So shine your light for everyone to see — it has gravitas.
The continued sale of this shirt will — with 100% of the proceeds — go directly to these black and brown owned business. Milwaukee Freedom Fund, Milwaukee Simbas, Mr. Dye's Pies with more to follow.
2 years ago I started the 414 Everyone shirt campaign to support a visible community movement of self-affiliation, as well as a facilitation of social equity.
This was an opportunity for Milwaukee to begin engaging with the complexity of how one’s identity is negotiated in the public space.
I’m continuing that idea and working to be a better human every day. I’m asking you to help too. I believe our light has weight. And we can throw our light around to do the continuous work of making Milwaukee a better place to live.
The idea with these shirts is to draw as many different populations into the circle (humanity) as possible.
So…understanding that when we respect each other’s humanity, a rich and diverse community is the future of Milwaukee.
Let’s get to work !